Happy 2022 everyone!

Oxygen wishes you a safe & successful 2022!

As we steadily continue to grow, our team expands with a lot of competent and extremely qualified new colleagues. Or should we say “family members”. #oneteam #bigfamily

In 2021 we were very proud to welcome not less than 14 crackerjacks: Karen, Koen, Ann, Camil, Sam, Tom, Kristof, Marian, Aeron, Lars, Thomas, Gianni, Yannick & Kristel in our team. And to start 2022, we’re thrilled to be onboarding Karen & Laura!

Who’s next? Because we won’t stop thriving towards new challenges and projects.

We have loads of new ideas, innovations and projects to look forward to and cannot wait to share them with you.

Happy New Year!


Other news




Oxygen Broker Services

Today we were at the Dag van de Makelaar, organised by FVF to promote our Broker Services.




“Oxygen accelerates and optimises insurer reimbursement of medical expenses”

Trends & L’Echo published an article on what Oxygen has achieved in terms of automating insurers’ processing of medical expense invoices. The fact that we have succeeded in reducing the processing time to just 1 minute is great news for end users. We are proud.




Oxygen in the press – “The offer you can’t refuse”

If you missed our Oxygen webinar “The offer you can’t refuse” by Steven Van Belleghem, don’t worry! A great summary was published in the magazine “De Verzekeringswereld” / “Monde de l’assurance”.