Oxygen for thought – inspiration for action

Towards an offer your customers can’t refuse

Steven Van Belleghem has always inspired us. Our vision fits perfectly with  his guiding principle of the combination between customer-oriented thinking, the latest technologies and the human dimension. Oxygen wants to transform insurance. Together.

To us, transformation means everything that helps you as an insurer to become more efficient and customer-oriented. Together we work on implementing tools, redesigning processes, integrating new technology, change management and so on. Aren’t you convinced too that every project should serve that customer, because the customer is where it all starts?

That’s why we invited Steven to moderate this webinar on April 21 2020, because we all believe in that.

‘Towards an offer your customers can’t refuse’: watch the movie and relive the many inspiring insights.

Covid-19: a worldwide experiment on digital behaviour

Steven started with the statement that since the outbreak of Covid-19 we experience the largest digital training ever. What previously seemed impossible, such as working from home on a large scale, now suddenly seems to work perfectly. Online entertainment and e-commerce are booming. In short, the new minimum in terms of digital has been determined.

Towards zero effort to customers

Using examples from retail and other sectors, Steven shows that we are moving to a world of zero effort. The customer interfaces of the future are invisible, fully personalized, effortless and proactive.

Applied to car insurance, it looks like this: something is happening, the car has to notify me that something is wrong and how bad it is. Pro-actively I receive support in handling my claim with the least possible effort on my part.

How to add value to your customer’s life?

We are evolving into a world where digital convenience is a commodity and where people expect more than convenience. In such a world we have to think differently: not only focus on customer journeys but also on life journeys. This is one of the biggest opportunities for the insurance business: how can you add value to your customer’s life? Not by focusing on problems in your process, but on problems in your customers’ lives.

New technologies that go beyond convenience

We are moving into a new decade. The past 10 years were about 4G, social media and mobile. The next 10 years will be devoted to Artificial Intelligence, 5G, Quantum Computing and Robotics. All at the beginning of their development. If we had had those technologies in a mature way, we would have solved the Covid-19 crisis in a much more efficient and faster way. 5G and robotics would enable remote healthcare, Quantum computers would speed up the development of a vaccine and AI would automate the health care process.

Key question is for us as insurers is what can these technologies mean for our industry?

Towards an offer your customers can’t refuse

Steven sees a new kind of customer expectations: tackling the challenges of the world. In response, he launched the model ‘the offer you cannot refuse’. Of course you have a good product or service for a fair price, of course your customers experience fantastic interactions. Where you can really differentiate as an insurer is by first becoming a partner in life and next by changing the world together. In the webinar film you can see an example of Centraal Beheer in the Netherlands climbing the ladder towards the offer that customers cannot refuse.

How can Oxygen help you to reach your ambitious goals? Let’s talk about challenges you face and new opportunities you might see.

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Oxygen wishes you all the best for 2023

We wish you a magical Christmas & an exciting New Year. Let’s transform 2023. Together