The lean method

Become the best team you can be: the lean method

Popularized in the late ‘80s and the early ‘90s, the ‘lean’ method of work organization prioritizes independence, efficiency and decluttering. In recent years, it has also gained a foothold in the finance sector, which is a traditionally more conservative industry.

Becoming lean means taking a critical look at work methods and workplace habits to remove unnecessary bloat, e.g. too many tools for one task or archaic reporting traditions. It is also allergic to micro-management and assumes that the average employee is competent enough to work through most day-by-day issues on their own.

To make the lean approach successful, both workplace mentality and tools have to be addressed. New tools will fail if they don’t meet with widespread adoption, and mentalities alone can’t change old and time-consuming tools. In both fields, Oxygen offers its expertise to insurers that would like to get some fresh air (pun intended). Is this something your organization would find interesting? Then get in touch – we would love to hear from you.

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Un nouveau partenariat est né : Harmoney s'associe à Oxygen, expert du domaine de l'assurance-vie.

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