Oxygen dans la presse – “The offer you can’t refuse”

Si vous avez manqué notre webinaire Oxygen "L'offre que vous ne pouvez pas refuser" par Steven Van Belleghem, ne vous inquiétez pas ! Un excellent résumé a été publié dans le magazine “De Verzekeringswereld” / “Monde de l’assurance”.

Click on the link to open the article in the corresponding language.

Dutch Version
French Version

Do you wish to (re-)watch the webinar? Click here.

Other news




Oxygen dans la presse – “Oxygen for no-nonsense transformation”

Oxygen est apparu dans la presse en janvier 2020. Vous pouvez lire l'article complet ici.




The consultancy checklist

The consultancy checklist: 6 things to know before you enter the game Consultancy can be one of the most exciting jobs in the world – you get to meet lots of people, you can explore new businesses and companies all the time and you can deploy your expertise to help out organizations that expect just that from you (why else would they have contracted you?).




Oxygen wishes you all the best for 2023

We wish you a magical Christmas & an exciting New Year. Let’s transform 2023. Together