It’s a wrap : our new website is live!

Shortly after we turned two years old, our renewed website went live. A new website with personalised footage is part of our ambitious growth plan and further professionalization of the company.

Together with the team, we have worked very hard to collect the necessary videos and photos in a corona-proof manner. In our humble opinion hard work pays off and therefore we are delighted with the final result. Feel free to judge yourself!

Other news




Oxygen dans la presse – “Oxygen for no-nonsense transformation”

Oxygen est apparu dans la presse en janvier 2020. Vous pouvez lire l'article complet ici.




De l'oxygène pour la pensée - de l'inspiration pour l'action

Steven Van Belleghem nous a toujours inspirés. Notre vision correspond parfaitement à son principe, qui consiste à combiner une réflexion axée sur le client, les dernières technologies et la dimension humaine. Oxygen veut transformer l'assurance. Ensemble.




How Big Data can save the insurance world

‘Big Data‘ refers to the emergence of extremely large data sets marked by the ‘three Vs’: velocity, variety and volume. This is inextricably linked to analytics programs, and is already used in many industries to analyze behavior as well as to make predictions, for instance in stock markets and consumer decisions.