Learn & Grow @ Oxygen

L&G @ Oxygen

At Oxygen, we apply the “learn & grow” approach.

We are invariably convinced that Oxygen’s growth can only go hand in hand with the growth of our consultants. Consultants who are open to change & always willing to learn are more efficient, goal-oriented, constantly evolving, up-to-date with the latest trends, feel happier and are more self-aware. All qualities that are very much appreciated both internally and by our clients.

One can follow various learning paths at Oxygen. These are validated at the end with a nice diploma, a drink and the congratulations of the jury 🎓 👏
As a present and symbolic sign of the “growth” one has experienced, they also receive a beautiful plant 🌱 (Thank you DE STEK Mechelen).

We are very proud that last week we were able to honour no fewer than 7 colleagues for graduating in “Change Management” or “Business Analysis”. Stunning. We are proud of you guys!

Congratulations to: KarenLauraLukasSebastiaanGianniMiguel & Jessica (who couldn’t be there unfortunately)!!!

Other news




Oxygen Makelaar Services

Vandaag waren we op de Dag van de Makelaar, georganiseerd door FVF om onze Makelaarsdiensten te promoten.




Oxygen launch

Ready for some Oxygen for your insurance company? (Also: we’re hiring) Today’s insurers feel pressure on several fronts: dealing with IT evolutions, higher customer expectations and changing regulatory frameworks are but a few of the sector’s core challenges. That’s why we are proud to announce the launch of Oxygen.




Oxygen in de pers – “Smart automation with databots”

Lees over hoe wij verzekeringsprocessen automatiseren in dit interessante dubbelinterview met Kristof Vanuytrecht (Lead Business Solutions @Oxygen) en Johan Van den Bulck (CEO @TeRoCo). "Slim automatiseren met bots - De verzekeringswereld"