Embedded insurance in P2P business platforms – DE TIJD IS NU

De commodificatie van snel internet en smartphones heeft een hele nieuwe reeks van consument-tot-consument of peer-to-peer (P2P) financieringsproducten mogelijk gemaakt. Verzekeringen en insurtech blijven niet achter. De sharing economy heeft zowel nieuwe wegen geopend voor verzekeringsproducten als geleid tot nieuwe niches die daadwerkelijk om dit soort producten vragen.

People fail forward to success

Failure is a great teacher, though many people fear failure. Our self-esteem is often tied to our achievements, and failures can dent this self-esteem or can cause us to feel our value is lowered in the eyes of our peers.  However, failure can be a skill – one of the first lessons in many types of martial arts is how to fall down properly. Unfortunately, most business classes don’t teach this skill.

AI in insurance: science fiction or the next big thing?

Artificial intelligence or AI is one of the emerging technologies that is part of the so-called ‘4th Industrial Revolution’ (along with augmented reality, Big Data, ‘everything as a service’, 5G and more). In the most narrow sense, no one has achieved true AI yet, which would be the creation of an artificial consciousness capable of or exceeding human intelligence and self-awareness.

Getting results-oriented teamwork right

Lencioni's pyramid

A decade ago, the results-only or results-oriented work environment (ROWE) began making waves in HR departments. Its core principle is to judge people on results rather than hours worked. Results-oriented teamwork is a little different and somewhat more complex, but its goal is similar – to create a work environment that lets people excel instead of getting them bogged down in procedure, politics and activities that don’t advance the organization in any meaningful way.

Forget Your Weaknesses. Play to Your Strengths.

What are you good at and what do you like most about your job? Oxygen focuses on peoples strengths and on learning, instead of shortcomings. In that way, we succeed in matching talent and assignments effectively.

Brexit and the coming war for talent in Brussels

One of the Brexit’s potential fallout pieces is the City of London taking a significant hit in terms of financial firms’ presence there. While the Brexit process remains unfinished, its aftershocks will keep reverberating in the years to come. Further digitalization, efficiency gains and customer centricity are key to the potential success of the finance world in Brussels to attract both British companies and local talent.

How Big Data can save the insurance world

‘Big Data‘ refers to the emergence of extremely large data sets marked by the ‘three Vs’: velocity, variety and volume. This is inextricably linked to analytics programs, and is already used in many industries to analyze behavior as well as to make predictions, for instance in stock markets and consumer decisions.

The consultancy checklist

The consultancy checklist: 6 things to know before you enter the game

Consultancy can be one of the most exciting jobs in the world – you get to meet lots of people, you can explore new businesses and companies all the time and you can deploy your expertise to help out organizations that expect just that from you (why else would they have contracted you?).

The lean method

Become the best team you can be: the lean method.
Popularized in the late ‘80s and the early ‘90s, the ‘lean’ method of work organization prioritizes independence, efficiency and decluttering. In recent years, it has also gained a foothold in the finance sector, which is a traditionally more conservative industry